Suggest a Station Indego is growing! Over the next five years, our system will expand significantly to new parts of the city, as well as infill stations in existing neighborhoods to make using Indego even more convenient. We are looking for feedback on where you would like to see new stations. We think of great station locations as those that connect neighborhoods to resources such as SEPTA stations, commercial corridors, public services, parks, and activities. Please use the map below to indicate where in the city would be great for an Indego station.Suggest a Location Existing stationAddressThis field is hidden when viewing the formCoordinatesWhat makes this a good station location?*How do you interact with this area?* I live nearby I go here regularly I work nearby I would go here more often if there were Indego nearby I just think it is a good spot. Do you have suggestions for who we should reach out to concerning this station location?When we install stations, we want to get to know the immediate neighbors, community organizations, business owners, and other stakeholders. (We also appreciate introductions!) Can we contact you about this station location suggestion? Yes No Name*Email PhoneZIP Code* ZIP / Postal Code Check if you identify with the following categories A business owner in the area Property owners in the area (Residential or Commercial) Commercial/Residential Property Development City affiliated department or public service Select all the applyDo you represent a community-focused outreach organization? RCO CDC NAC HOA Block Captain Δ