If you haven’t used IndeHero, then you are missing out on an exciting part of the Indego experience! IndeHero is Indego’s in-app game and a fun way that you can help balance the system, discover new stations, and earn free days on your pass!
Indego recently introduced a leaderboard so that users can see how they stack up against other players and earn prizes on a monthly basis for being in the top three. We sat down with Indgeo Passholders, and previous leaderboard winners, Colin and Tim to find out more about their experience using IndeHero!
When did you become an Indego Passholder and why?
Colin: I moved to Old City in April 2019. It soon became apparent that affordable parking in our neighborhood was an issue. Since there is ample free on-street parking in South Philly and we only use our car about once a week, it made sense to park down there and hike the mile and a half or so back and forth. I soon discovered Indego, with bike docks near both our apartment and the neighborhoods in South Philly where we park. Altering my routes became a great way to explore this beautiful city.
Tim: I became an Indego Passholder almost as soon as I moved to Philadelphia two years ago. I have not owned a car in nearly 20 years. I was the 401st ZipCar customer nationally and in the very first wave of users of the shared bike system in DC where I lived most of the century.
How are you able to rack up so many points on IndeHero?
Colin: Once I discovered IndeHero, it seemed to be a perfect fit combining exercise, exploration, transportation needs, competitive drive, and even a touch of public service. As a retiree, I have a very flexible schedule. When I decide to head out, I look at the app and plan a tentative route. I try to maximize points by keeping rides and walks between docks as short as possible and occasionally combining earned points at the beginning and end of a ride.
Tim: In the last few months I have been using Indego to be a central part of my exercise regimen, spending an hour or more a day when I am in town. So, when I got the hang of IndeHero I started to help move to bikes from where they were to where they are needed.
Indego is my main commuting tool for my meetings and errands. So I just add a few minutes to my trips and generate a few points, and get more exercise.

Do you check the leaderboard throughout the month to see where you place?
Colin: I have to admit that I check the leaderboard regularly to see if I need to step up my game.
Tim: Yes, particularly once I was appearing regularly in the top 3.
Is IndeHero competitive for you?
Colin: Absolutely. If I am in first or second place for points in the month I feel an extra drive if I see someone creeping up on me.
Tim: Yes, I caught the competitive bug and liked figuring out routes that would get me where I am going and move some bikes to the right location.

Do you have any anecdotes from your time spent being an IndeHero?
Colin: Sometimes I have delivered a bike to a station in need of bikes and found a rider patiently waiting for a bike to arrive. It is a good feeling being able to fulfill their need.
Tim: Nothing specific, but as a new resident of the city (less than 2 years), it has gotten me to parts of the city I don’t know yet!
Any tips for new IndeHero users?
Colin:Be aware of parked cars; drivers do not always check before opening their car doors. Always check tires to make sure they are fully inflated before you check out a bike. Report bikes that are damaged or have shifting issues so that they can be locked down for repair. Stay hydrated!
Tim: If you are going across town or to a heavy traffic area there are lots of opportunities to help fellow riders by moving a bike to a nearby empty rack while getting a little more exercise.
IndeHero is easy to use, free to play, and includes a new leaderboard feature that could earn you prizes! Each month, the top three IndeHeroes with the most points receive a $50, $25, or $10 eGift card delivered right to their inbox and free days added onto their pass!
Want to compete?
Step 1. Enable IndeHero on the Indego app.
Step 2. Sign in to your account and select IndeHero from the drop-down menu.
Step 3. Swipe the enable option to start playing!
Step 4: Go into Settings > Notifications to enable all IndeHero notifications.
Start your quest to become an IndeHero today!
This blog was written by Emily Hooven, the Marketing & Communication Coordinator for Indego bike share.
Bicycle Transit Systems is a Philadelphia-based business that specializes in bike share launch, operations, and management. Comprised of the most experienced bike share operations team in the industry, Bicycle Transit Systems manages all operational elements of Indego, including bike and station maintenance, marketing, and customer service.
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