The Street Team is an integral part of the Indego staff and community outreach efforts. Members of the Street Team are working and living in many communities throughout the City of Philadelphia. The Street Team is on the ground and in the community attending events and sharing information about Indego and we are so grateful for their contributions.
We’ve launched a new spotlight series highlighting the members of our Street Team and the work they do inside and outside of Indego. This is an opportunity to meet the helpful and happy faces that you see at events, health fairs and markets throughout the entire City of Philadelphia. They continue to be a strong part of our community outreach efforts and your go-to for information on all things Indego. Keep reading to learn more!
Our first Indego Street Team Spotlight features Pili, an incredible member of the community in North Philly AND an ambassador for Indego’s Better Bike Share Partnership team. As a hip-hop and visual artist and community organizer, Pili’s work and interests focus on urban farming, education and urban development.
What are your interests and hobbies outside of work and Indego Street Team?
Many of my interests right now focus on social issues that affect my community and the world at large. Most recently I’ve gotten involved in urban development and how to educate communities about tapping into overlooked resources and ways to use those resources as tools to transform communities.
What’s your favorite thing about Philadelphia?
My favorite thing about Philadelphia are the communities. I believe our communities are one of our greatest assets and the reason why we are such a great city. We’re also lucky to live in a vibrant city with different cultures and opportunities to learn about them and their experiences everyday.

What is your favorite work experience with the Street Team? Why is it your favorite?
My favorite event so far was the Odunde festival. It’s been one of my favorite events to attend every year since I was a child. I really enjoyed working the festival and seeing many friends new and old. Odunde is also an amazing venue to meet people from all over the country and learn a little about them and their life.
Where is your favorite place to ride Indego?
I’m still learning the city from a biker’s point of view. There are so many places to ride but I would say getting a bike at the Broad & Oxford Street station and riding into Center City is currently my favorite route. I plan on trying out some of the new stations at the waterfront trails this summer.
What do you like about being on the Street Team?
My favorite part of being on the street team is getting to meet and interact with people. You meet so many different people and have the opportunity to talk with them about more than just riding and Indego.
Here’s a free chance to talk (brag) about the things you do for fun!
As a mentioned before, I am an urban farmer. I’m the Director of Community Partnerships at the North Philly Peace Park. The North Philly Peace Park is an open, charitable, inter-generational, neighborhood-managed ecology campus championing food, education and community.
Lastly, give readers a fun fact!
In 2011, I ran for city council at large under a newly formed independent third party called the “HipHop Party for People.”

Thanks, Pili! We appreciate you being on the Street Team and Better Bike Share Partnership Ambassador team!
Be sure to check back as we highlight our Street Team members twice a month!
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